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Facility Rentals


Red Willow
Community Hall 


The hall is located on Main Street in the Hamlet of Red Willow. 


It has ample parking and is wheel chair accessible.


It can accommodate over 200 people and seat approximately 175 people.


There is a stage for performances or events.

It can accommodate over 200 people and seat approximately 175 people.


There is a stage for performances or events.

Outside there is a playground for children and greenspace.


Red Willow Recreation Area

ball diamond 03.jpg

The campground is within view of the ball diamond.  It is set up as group camping with some spots that are more tucked into the bush.  A fire pit is there for camper's use.

The ball diamond has stadium bleachers, bench for players, shale infield.  

The Recreation Area consists of a campground, covered area, kitchen, ball diamond, and green space.

The kitchen and the picnic area are available for rental use.  It is fully equipped kitchen with a window for serving.


The bathrooms are in the picnic area and have showers in both the men's and women's washrooms.

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